Saturday, April 7, 2012

The second coming!

This is the time of Easter; the remembrance and celebration of Christ’s resurrection. What is the message this offers to people?

This blog is read by a large number of people around the world, Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers. So, I will stay focused on the underlying message.

Never be the prisoner of the past. There is always opportunity for growth and make a second coming. Be the architect of the future. The resurrection is the reflection of the bouncing back. In Christian faith, had Jesus not resurrected, there is no further hope left.  By rising from the dead, Jesus gave this eternal hope of rebounding even from the worst adversity.

This is also a message for people who are habitually miserable and whine about everything in life. The upbeat people have hope and aspirations and they will bounce back from adversities, more often than the failure thinkers.  

How to overcome anxiety? The fear of failure is part of the process. Jesus Christ was no exception.  The best way to deal with is to jump into action. Courage gives the self-control to overcome hurdles and persist on your goals where others have failed.  

Most of us have read about purpose driven life. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Our endeavor should be channelizing that purpose to bring joy and happiness to people around us. There is no magic wand to achieve this. It is an iterative and incremental approach. We fall at every stage. Our ability to get up and move forward makes the difference in our lives.

Our creative best come into play when we realize the higher purpose in life. Let the Easter be an opportunity for our second coming to realize why we are called into the universe as unique beings.

Happy Easter to all!

Saju Skaria


Rajaram said...

Happy Easter Saju (belated). You have very nicely conveyed the message of Easter. Reading this post was like listening to you over the phone (2006). I can relate to this more.

Saju Skaria said...

Thank you, Raj! I always cherished your views and positive thoughts. Please stay connected.