Much about success is just the result if simply the ability
to follow up, follow through, and finish what you started. You are not beaten
by being knocked down. You’re only beaten if you stay down. You are what you
are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind, but you can change
what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. Choices
determine that action you take, and action produces the results of your life.
You can only think in ways consistent with the information you have in your
mind. So to change what you do, you have to change the way you think, and to
think differently, you need to change what goes into your mind.
There are six characteristics that comprise the foundation
stones of your life and success. They are: honesty, character, faith,
integrity, love, and loyalty. These six foundational stones essentially provide
the raw material for your thinking. As such, they become the core characteristics
of what you be, do, and have, which ultimately determines the results you get
in life. These stones form the code for success or failure because you are
thinking and your actions must be consistent with the characteristics of the
foundation you build. The idea of value and purpose is linked to the concept of
discovering a great good, a mission, or higher calling. This is applicable at
individual and at business level. High performing individuals and organizations
have discovered this higher calling. Fundamentally, we need to understand one
universal principle: You can have everything in life you want if you will just
help enough other people get what they want. This is an other-centered
strategy; not self-centered.
Finally, to have success, one must develop the following
three dimensions of life. The first dimension is spiritual, the second
dimension is mental, and the third dimension is physical. Each dimension is separate,
but they work together to create a total person. The most important and the most
neglected dimension is spiritual. It is out of our souls our attitude flows,
and our attitude defines our altitude in life. The depth of our spirit will
determine the height of our success. Our mental abilities are housed in our
brains, and if you think our brain as a muscle, you need the importance of
exercising it daily to keep it in top condition. The best exercise for brain
and your mind is to force it to think which is enabled by continuous learning
and education. Taking care of physical condition and health is very essential
for our overall success. We need to have good eating and wait control plans and
regular exercise. If we want to provide our spirit and mind a top notch house
to live-in we need to keep our body in excellent shape.
Our success greatly depends on how we align these three dimensions,
viz; spiritual, mental, physical. This is my personal testimony. I believed in
all three dimensions from very early age in my life, but my priorities were in different
order. Some life changing experiences gave me deeper insight which helped me reprioritize
the dimensions to the right order: i.e., spiritual, mental, and physical. This change in priority clearly brought greater success and happiness in my life.
I wish you good luck and see you next week!
Saju Skaria