Fiscal conservatism is a term used in political parley on
avoiding deficit spending. In a national sense this is attributed to balance
budget, reduction in overall spending, and debt reduction. There are several
hot debates on the topic and varying views by political parties and think
tanks, particularly in an election year in US. I am not going there.
What prompted me to write this note was the recent personal
experience I had with my spiritual leader, who has been showing this
conservative approach all along his life. I am not a spend thrift, but nowhere
near the ideals set by this leader and I
learned few good lessons on how one can conserve while still balance the life
and budget in a positive way.
What’s a better approach? Borrowing and spending vs. living
within the means. This is similar to a debate on nature vs. nurture. Borrowing
is necessary and is a good approach for nations and individuals as long as the
money is well spend for future growth. However, if we are trapped with
consumerist tendencies and spend beyond the means, we’ll end up something
closer to debt bondage, a form of modern day slavery.
Suze Orman, an American financial advisor, author,
motivational speaker, and television host offers several financial tips on how
to be debt free and lead a successful life. Suze started her career as a
waitress in Berkeley, California before becoming an internationally acclaimed
financial advisor, shown through her own experience how conservation pays.
Today she is helping millions of individuals and families on how to be fiscal
conservative and debt free.
We need to learn to plug holes and live frugal. Before we swipe our card, think twice. Are we
moving away from financial freedom or walking into a debt trap?
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