Here are 5
tips you can use to set better New Years resolutions.
1. Put your goal in
writing. Here is how you need to think about it - if your goal is not in
writing, then you do not have a goal. When we keep a goal in our heads, the goal
gets crowded out by all the other pieces of information running around in our
heads. Putting your goal in writing makes it real and much more likely to be
accomplished. This is because you can now put your written goal somewhere that
you will see it several times a day. This is a powerful reminder and keeps you
on course.
2. Choose the top 1-3 of the resolutions you find both
exciting & achievable in a 12 month period. Having one successful resolution
is better than having 20 unsuccessful resolutions.
3. Break down the plan
into small and manageable chuncks. You have a full 12 months to get it done,
what small things in January do you have to do to stay on track to make it to
February and then to March and so on?
4. Tell lots of people about your
goal. Tell others about your goal. Make sure you tell one or two people that
will hold you accountable to your commitment. We all need encouragement from
time to time. This is because no matter how motivated we are, there are times
when we need a good swift kick in the pants. If you really want to hold you feet
to the fire on this one, tell so many people about your goal that you will be
embarrassed if you do not achieve it.
5. Give it all you got. Very few
people have had the privilege of giving all they have toward a goal. It is a
great feeling.